Here are some words of wisdom that we intent to pick-up on.
We wanted to build our own head and face movement, but time seems to be against us.
So at this point with so many great and innovative projects out there we made out choice.
Something we did not need to reinvent, but rather align to our project.
Fritz really took our fancy.
Examine the possibilities we now have in the clips below!
Something we did not need to reinvent, but rather align to our project.
Fritz really took our fancy.
Examine the possibilities we now have in the clips below!

Introduction to Fritz by Leslie.
A behind the scenes look into Fritz's components from a CAD perspective.
Split screen video where you can see the avatar within the application control of Fritz moving along with the actual robot moving.
A behind the scenes look into show Fritz is manufactured. Kerwin makes it look simple!
Wonderful project ready to transplant onto the head of Francis.
Click on the logo to visit the official FRITZ site.
Yes, So Why Reinvent The Wheel?